Tuesday 23 April 2013

CONSTRUCTION Risk Assessment

Filming Risk Assessment Form 


Filming of Motion Picture, Promise Me


Activity /
Area of Concern

i.e.: what is taking place as part of the event?
Hazards Identified

i.e.: what can cause harm?
Persons at Risk

i.e.: who could be harmed by the hazard?
Current Risk Factor
(high, medium or low)
i.e.: determine the level of risk
Actions to be Taken to Minimize each Risk
i.e.: what action can you take to lower the level of risk
New Risk Factor
(high, medium or low)
i.e.: risk factor after action taken to minimize the risk
Filming of motion picture, Promise Me.

Trailing leads

All concerned
Warn everyone on set. Tape leads down. Use caution cones.
Filming of motion picture, Promise Me.

Two-way traffic
Main character
Use caution cones and hazard signs. All members of crew apart from main actors are to wear high visibility clothes.
Filming of motion picture, Promise Me.

Trailing leads, electrical equipment, and students moving around.
All concerned
Corresponded with prior to this event and that all measures are put into place for the health and safety of students, cast, crew, and all members of staff.
Filming of motion picture, Promise Me.

Damage to filming locations i.e. homes.
Damage to households..
Notify all cast and crew of all hazards and items that can be broken. Ensure that we have public liability to work in these locations. Most importantly, ensure that the homeowners and property owners have insurance against property damage.

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